[Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

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Praefectus Castrorum
Praefectus  Castrorum
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Fairas » 21. Juli 2016 21:26

Weißt du in wie weit das Erscheinen der Seuchen zufällig ist und in wie weit historisch?

Wenn ich in einem frühen Szenario anfange bin ich beim Schwatzen Tod im 14. Jahrhundert bereits eine Weltmacht und da ist es dann unwahrscheinlich, dass eine Epidemie noch die Power hat mir das ganze Reich zu zerschießen.
"Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite."


Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 21. Juli 2016 22:05

Soweit ich weiß hat man da Optionen: Zufällig, Historisch, Gar nicht.
I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Praefectus Castrorum
Praefectus  Castrorum
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Fairas » 21. Juli 2016 22:09

Ok danke ;)
"Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite."


Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 26. Juli 2016 19:21

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/in ... an.956080/

Neue Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit Gefangenen:

  • Erniedrigen: Zum Beispiel durch Teeren und Federn oder einem Walk of Shame. Der Gefangene verliert dadurch Prestige.
  • Folter: Gibt Gefangenem vielleicht Fähigkeit Stressed oder Deprimiert und der Folterer kann die Fähigkeit "gütig" verlieren.
  • Verstümmeln: Nur für spezielle Charakter verfügbar, z.B. mit Eigenschaft "grausam" oder "Pfähler". Der Gefangene verliert ein Körperteil, der Folterer kann "grausam" oder sogar "Stressed" oder "wahnsinnig" werden.
  • Schlechte Poesie:. Geringe Chance den Gefangenen in den Wahnsinn zu treiben.
  • Kannibalismus. Herrscher die entweder "bessesen" oder "wahnsinnig" sind und den Kannibalismus-Modifikator haben können Gefangene essen. Ist Fantasy-Content aktiviert, erhält man dadurch die Macht seines Opfers.

Bis auf Kannibalismus wird der Gefangene bei all diesen Optionen danach entlassen. Gibt Beziehungsmali mit den Gefangenen und eventuell seiner Familie.

Hinrichten führt nun zu einer von 31 Hinrichtungsmethoden, abhängig von Religion/Geschlecht/Fähigkeiten. (z.B. Erhängen, Zerschmettern, Zersägen und Bär)


Mit 2.6 kann man übrigens nicht aus Hausarrest fliehen, außer jemand mit dem "Intrigen"-Fokus hilft.

Außerdem diverse neue Reaktions-Events auf den Tod von Geliebten, Freunden und Rivalen.

Liebhaber gestorben: a)Trost am Grab b)Rückzug in die Einsamkeit c)Absage an Gefühle

Schändung der Leiche eines Rivalen

I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Praefectus Castrorum
Praefectus  Castrorum
Beiträge: 5846
Registriert: 5. Dezember 2010 21:37
AAR-Schreiber Teilnahme an einem Contest

Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Fairas » 26. Juli 2016 19:44

Hast du schon einen Überblick, für welche Features man den DLC braucht und was einfach so mit dem Patch kommen wird?
"Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite."


Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 27. Juli 2016 00:07

Bei den meisten Tagebüchern sollte es jeweils dabei stehen, einen direkte Übersicht habe ich noch nicht ersetllt.
I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Tribunus Laticlavius
Tribunus Laticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Ardrianer » 2. August 2016 16:53

Laut letzten DDs: Am 25. August erscheint der DLC und es wird Katzen geben. :D
Brothers of War Clan - Der Clan mit dem Möp
Aktiv auf Twitter und Bluesky.

Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 6. August 2016 16:15

Habe mal die aktuellen Infos in Videoform zusammengefasst:

I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
Beiträge: 3726
Registriert: 2. Dezember 2010 19:43
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 9. August 2016 23:49

https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/in ... ing.962057

Optimisierung & Modding

Wie ihr alle wisst, wird das Spiel mit der Zeit langsamer, vor allem weil immer mehr Charaktere im Spiel sind. Außerdem haben wir diverse kleine Pausen wie Autosaves und am Ende jeden Monats, die größte am Ende jeden Jahres.

Wir hatten große Erfolge diese Pausen zu reduzieren und das Spiel allgemein zu beschleunigen. Mit 2.6 sind Lategame-Autosaves in unseren Tests bis jetzt doppelt so schnell wie früher. Die Lags am Ende des Jahres sind kaum noch länger als am Ende des Monats, die auch deutlich verlangsamt wurden.
Auch die allgemeine tägliche Performance ist schneller geworden. In unseren Tests war das Spiel allgemein 30-50% schneller in allen Zeitperioden. In derselben Zeit in der man 2.5.2 zehn Jahre gespielt hat, sollte man in 2.6 13-15 Jahre schaffen.

Geschafft haben wir dies durch diverse Optimierung:

  • Unkomprimierte Saves sind kleiner und spart damit Komprimierung und Schreibzeiten
  • Saves werden allgemein effizienter gespeichert
  • Fast alle Berechnungen die früher am Ende des Jahres gemacht wurden, sind jetzt über das Jahr verteilt.
  • Das Rendering der Map wurde verbessert
  • Die diversen Kartenmodi, Namen und anderes werden effizienter nur dann geupdated, wenn es nötig ist.
  • Viele Berechnungen sind nun multi-threaded
  • Verbesserungen für diverse Performance-intensive Berechnungen
  • Weniger zufällige Charaktere und das Spiel beseitigt unnötige Charaktere etwas aggressiver

Beispiel: Graph der lebenden Charaktere in einem Testspiel:

Im Vergleich zu 2.5, nach 400 Jahren in einem 769 Start hatte man etwa 30k lebende Charaktere, also etwa doppelt so viele wie in unserem Testspiel.

Videovergelich 2.5.2 & 2.6


Viele neue Modding—Features inkl. viele nützliche Trigger & Effekte. Komplette Liste (unübersetzt)

The full list of modding changes in 2.6:
Spoiler (Öffnen)
- Added possibility to have major province modifiers
- Causes of death can now be customized
- Execution method can be chosen via a priority system similar to government flavors
- added "health_penalty", "fertility_penalty", "martial_penalty", "intrigue_penalty", "diplomacy_penalty", "stewardship_penalty", "learning_penalty"
[INDENT]- a set of modifiers whose sum for a given stat can never be positive (allows your giving bonuses that only offset maluses instead of bonus that are positive no matter what)[/INDENT]
- Added military_techpoints, economy_techpoints, culture_techpoints as generic modifiers (for province modifiers)
- Added "any_demesne_province" as an effect
- holdings/settlement modifiers can now be hidden
- Added "has_any_symptom" and "symptom=" triggers
- Added "num_of_symptoms" trigger
- Added "spawn_disease" effect which spawns a specific disease in a specific province
[INDENT] - Scope must be a province
- "spawn_disease=disease_name"[/INDENT]
- Added "start_outbreak" which forces an outbreak, but follows the scenarios set up in the disease.txt file
[INDENT] - "start_outbreak=disease_name"
- Scope is not used[/INDENT]
- Added "on_outbreak" OnAction which is called when a new outbreak starts
[INDENT] - scope is the province where the outbreak starts
- token_data is the disease name[/INDENT]
- Added "scenarios" to diseases: they exclude certain regions and determine possible starting provinces
- Added various defines for modifiers to contagiousness of disease when determining the spread. They are only used with The Reaper's Due DLC
- Added yearly "on_province_major_modifier" on_action
- Added "regional_percentage" trigger:
[INDENT] regional_percentage = {
[INDENT] region = andalusia
percentage = 0.5

has_province_flag = aztec_explorers[/INDENT]
- Added hospital_level trigger that tests the hospital level in a province. Province scope
- Added disease_defence trigger that tests the disease defense in a province. Province scope
- Added "has_game_rule" trigger to test the value of a game rule:
[INDENT] has_game_rule = {
[INDENT] name = gender
value = all[/INDENT]
- Added triggers:
[INDENT] any_hospital
- Added Event scope:
[INDENT] hospital_owner[/INDENT]
- Added supported_checksum = yes/no trigger. Added supported_checksums = { ABCD EFGH } field in .mod files. When supported_checksum trigger is used in game it tries to match the current checksum of the game with the entries in all active mods mod-files. The trigger returns true if it finds at least one match.
- Fixed an issue for mods trying to remove localisation from the base game's localisation.
- targeted_decisions, is_targeted_decision_allowed and is_targeted_decision_potential are now considered aliases for targetted_decisions, is_targetted_decision_allowed and is_targetted_decision_potential respectively and are evaluated in the same way.
- Fixed a CTD that could happen for mods that allowed you to play characters with only titular titles.
- scaled_wealth and transfer_scaled_wealth now supports an additional max field to cap the maximum amount of wealth gained/lost.
- Added enatic trait attribute equivalent of the agnatic attribute (which allowed certain traits, eg Sayyid, to always be inherited from the father).
- Added define MERCHANT_REPUBLIC_MAX_PATRICIANS which determines the amount of merchant republic families the game will allow to exist in a merchant republic.
- Added triggers monthly_prestige and monthly_piety.
- Added effects scaled_prestige and scaled_piety.
- It is now possible to script council voting for targeted_decisions.
- The council interface should now support voter minor titles with a grant limit higher than one (1).
- Added set_pentarch_title = <title/none> effect.
- The pentarchy entry in landed titles can now be assigned to a specific religion rather than all religions with autocephaly.
- Using title_prefix in a government definition should no longer default all non-prefix defined title names to the default versions.
- Ambitions are now valid for the ai aggression modifier "aggression".
- add_character_modifier and add_holding_modifier now supports the stacking = yes parameter.
- Added has_holding_modifier = x trigger that returns true of the holding has modifier x.
- Added has_instances_of_character_modifier, has_instances_of_province_modifier, has_instances_of_holding_modifier = { modifier = x amount = y } trigger where y is the amount of current applications of modifier x that the character needs to currently hold for the trigger to return true.
- Added remove_character_modifiers, remove_province_modifiers, remove_holding_modifiers = { modifier = x amount = y } effects that removes y amount of modifier x from the current scope.
- Added on_trade_post_construction_completed, on_fort_construction_completed on_action entries.
- Added on_trade_post_construction_start, on_fort_construction_start on action entries.
- Fixed some issues with on_settlement_construction_start on_action events.
- Added GetHusbandWifeCap, GetHusbandWifeCapOpp, GetMasterMistressCap, GetMasterMistressOpp, GetMasterMistressCapOpp character localisation functions.
- any_character trigger should no longer exclude the ROOT scope in it's evaluation.
- Fixed a possible issue with hidden effects inside scripted effects.
- Added trigger 'leader_traits' (number of)
- Reactivated the on_action 'on_focus_pulse'
- Disease effects are now customizable through script per disease
- Silk Road modifier icon can now be set in the text file
- Added define AUTOMATICALLY_ACCEPTS_COALITION_CALLS to determine if defensive pacts members automatically join at the start of wars
- Converted the Family Focus events to on_action events
- Fixed a bug where the 'end_war' effect would incorrectly invalidate wars
- The 'regent' event target is now properly invalidated if there is no regent
- Added trigger 'any_player'
- Added effect 'any_player'
- Added effect 'random_player'
- Fixed era bookmarks ignoring their defined text keys. WARNING: This means that your mod's era names are likely now unlocalised
- Fixed buttons F9 through F12 not working as shortcuts
- Fixed a number of triggers functioning identically when set to "= no" as when set to "= yes"
- has_terrain_specialization now takes "yes" and "no" as parameters as well, in addition to "any" and specific terrains
- Added missing localisation for a handful of triggers
- Era screen characters can now be restricted based on dlc by adding 'dlc = "dlc name"' to their entry
- Fixed the time control buttons being inactive in 867.1.1 in mods starting on or before that date
- Opinion modifiers can now be scripted to be stacking (default) or not
- Added a give_birth console command (requires existing pregnancy; use pollinate/cuckoo to impregnate)
- Added on_action 'on_holding_building_start'
- Added has_assigned_minor_title trigger. Usage: "has_assigned_minor_title = title_master_of_the_horse" or "has_assigned_minor_title = { title = title_commander count = 2 }"
- Added has_children and has_living_children triggers
- The "loot" trigger will no longer crash the game if applied to a land unit. It will always return false for land units, but it won't crash
- has_minor_title now also accepts "yes" and "no", to check whether the character holds any minor titles at all
- Can now add and destroying buildings in extra holdings (trade posts, forts & hospitals) with the following effects:
[INDENT] add_to_extra_holding = {
[INDENT] type = hospital
building = leper_colony_1[/INDENT]

destroy_in_extra_holding = {
[INDENT] type = hospital
building = leper_colony_1[/INDENT]
- The following effects have been added. They work the same as the equivalent for forts or trade posts:
[INDENT] create_hospital
- Scripted effects in event options will now show the traits and characters they affect
- Added a war_participation trigger. Example: any_war = { war_participation = { who = ROOT score = 0.5 } }
- Added an is_landed_title_allowed trigger, which checks whether a character fulfills the "allow" section of a specific title. Example: is_landed_title_allowed = e_hre or is_landed_title_allowed = ROOT, where ROOT is a title
- Added a "force_host" effect that forcibly changes the host a character. Scope should be the character being moved, target should be the character's new host.
[INDENT] Shouldn't be used lightly
force_host = ROOT[/INDENT]
- Added join_faction, leave_faction and start_faction effects.
- Added faction_exists trigger.
- Added export_to_variable effect.
- Added while effect.
- Title prefix defined in landed_titles.txt should now support localisation variations dependent on the holder of the title.
- Added sound_effect effect.
- It should now be possible to make baronies independent through history editing.
- Added a "character_stats" console command that prints a variety of statistics to the console, such as the # of rulers of each tier, gender breakdown, and total wealth. This also gets written to stats.log
- Added a "dynasty_stats" console command that prints a variety of statistics to the console, such as the # of dynasties, number of single-person dynasties, and number of dynasties with only dead characters. This also gets written to stats.log
- Added a COURT_PRUNE_SIZE define, which defines when the game will try to find unneeded courtiers to kill off. Lowered to 10 from the original 20
- Added a "de_facto_liege_title" trigger, which checks that the defacto liege title of a character or title is the right-hand side. Example: ROOT = { de_facto_liege_title = e_hre }. Both sides can take a character or a title. If a character is provided, their primary title will be used. A defacto_liege_title scope already existed, but this should make some operations easier
- Added an "immortal" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope is immortal
- Added an "is_incapable" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has an incapacitating trait
- Added an "is_pilgrim" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has a pilgrim trait
- Added a "same_regnal_name" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has the same regnal name as another character, meaning that they'll be considered the same name for the purpose of regnal numbering. Regnal names are currently defined as having the same first first name (E.G., "Gustav" and "Gustav Adolf" are the same regnal name), or the same cultural first first name (E.G., "Alfr_Alf" and "Alf_Alf" are the same regnal name)
- "monthly_income" and "yearly_income" can now be used in a holding scope. Before it could only take a character. Example: "b_constantinople = { yearly_income = 15 }"
- Added a "has_inheritance_blocker" trigger, which checks if the character in the current scope has a trait that blocks inheritance (cannot_inherit = yes)
- Added a "dynastic_prestige" trigger, which checks if the dynasty of the character in the current scope has a prestige of at least the given value. Example: "dynastic_prestige = 100"
- Added a "set_preferred_capital" effect, which sets the preferred capital of the title in the current scope (used for a variety of things, such as the AI to determine where to put their capital). Only works for dynamic titles, as static titles base their capital off of the landed_titles folder
- Added a "lacks_dlc" event pre-trigger. If the DLC is enabled, the event will not be evaluated
- Added a "has_dlc" event pre-trigger. If the DLC is disabled, the event will not be evaluated
- Added a "war" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character is/isn't at war
- Added a "is_married" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character is/isn't married
- Added a "friends" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character does/doesn't have friends
- Added a "rivals" event pre-trigger, which takes "yes" or "no", and checks that the character does/doesn't have rivals
- Added a "has_global_flag" event pre-trigger, which checks that the given global flag has been set
- Added support for an after = { } - effect field in events. It works as a counterpart to immediate and executes after any option is executed.
- Replaced the COALITION_PROVINCE_THREAT_RATIO define with COALITION_SCARY_TROOP_STRENGTH_THREAT_RATIO. It is now actually used by the game
- Decisions now take the pre-triggers "only_rulers", "only_landed", and "only_independent". It is recommended that they be used when possible so as to reduce the time spent by the AI evaluating the decision. Note that the pre-trigger currently only applies to the AI, not to the player
- The "is_occupied" trigger now works in province scope, not just title scope
- The "is_occupied" trigger now works for county-level titles, not just baron-level titles
- "plot_decisions" are now only checked by characters that lead a plot or faction. Previously there was no functional difference between plot decisions and regular decisions
- Added "has_flag" as a quick trigger for province events. It works exactly like the "has_character_flag" quicktrigger, except the scope is the province for the event
- Added on_war_ended_invalid and on_crusade_invalid on_actions, that provide the same scopes as the other on_war_ended and on_crusade on_actions
- Added a CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_TIMER define. If set to 0, rulers will be restricted to MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES. If set to 1, they'll have a CROWN_LAW_CHANGE_MONTHS cooldown
- Traits can now be hidden. Adding "hidden = yes" will make it invisible in all parts of the UI (except event options, where they can be hidden using hidden_tooltip)
- Added define "FAR_CRUSADES_WITHOUT_WEIGHT_MODIFIER" as a weight modifier to starting crusades on titles that are not adjacent to territory of our religion and don't have a crusade weight modifier. Default value is 75%

Eine der wichtigsten Änderungen ist die Einführung der Spielregeln, die bereits besprochen wurden. Damit können Modder nun Einstellungen modden anstatt diverse Events zu Spielbeginn einzusetzen. Man kann beliebig viele Regeln mit beliebig vielen Auswahlmöglchkeiten einführen.

Zusatzpost über Mod-Optimierungsmöglichkeiten: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/official-mod-optimization-tips.962056/
I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Praefectus Castrorum
Praefectus  Castrorum
Beiträge: 5846
Registriert: 5. Dezember 2010 21:37
AAR-Schreiber Teilnahme an einem Contest

Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Fairas » 10. August 2016 00:49

Weniger Lags hört sich gut an. Im Endgame spielt sich oft selbst die höchste Geschwindigkeit wie Zeitlupe. Und wegen den dauernden Rucklern beim Autospeichern habe ich auch noch nie ernsthaft den Ironman-Modus gespielt.
"Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite."


Der Grose KA!
Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Der Grose KA! » 10. August 2016 10:15

Ist dieser Einschnitt bei den Personen da das Spiel die "agressiv entfernt" oder einfach eine rießen Pestepedemie ? :D
British Officer: "You French fight for money, while we British fight for honor."
Robert Surcouf: "A man fights for what he lacks the most."

Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
Beiträge: 3726
Registriert: 2. Dezember 2010 19:43
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 10. August 2016 12:02

Ich nehme schwer an, dass das ne Pest ist.
I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin

Praefectus Castrorum
Praefectus  Castrorum
Beiträge: 5846
Registriert: 5. Dezember 2010 21:37
AAR-Schreiber Teilnahme an einem Contest

Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Fairas » 10. August 2016 12:14

Ich seh schon: Wenn ich mal knapp dran bin und nur noch ein oder zwei Mitglieder meiner Dynastie leben TADA -> Pest. Wenn ich aber gut dastehe und 300 Familienangehörige habe kommt dann die nächsten 500 Jahre keine Pest lol
"Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite."


Der Grose KA!
Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
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Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Der Grose KA! » 10. August 2016 14:04

Einfach zur Sicherheit immer Island erobern zu beginn des Spiels :D
British Officer: "You French fight for money, while we British fight for honor."
Robert Surcouf: "A man fights for what he lacks the most."

Tribunus Angusticlavius
Tribunus Angusticlavius
Beiträge: 3726
Registriert: 2. Dezember 2010 19:43
AAR-Schreiber Teilnahme an einem Contest Pfeiler der Community Großspender Gewinner Userwahl Ein Danke vom Team SZ

Re: [Crusader Kings II] Neuer DLC "The Reaper's Due"

Beitragvon Marvin » 14. August 2016 13:01

Paradox hat ein paar "auserwählten' Youtubern die Gelegenheit gegeben, das Spiel bereits jetzt anzutesten und zu zeigen, allerdings unter speziellen Vorgaben. Es stehen zwei saves zur Verfügung von denen ab man ~100 Jahre lang spielen kann. Gibt aber trotzdem schon ein paar schöne Sachen zu sehen (und zu hören (; )
Playlist: http://lmlp.de/due
I'm insane. What's his excuse?
Deutsche Paradox Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/legendarymarvin