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[Victoria II] Gebiete die man mit Sardinien-Piemont kolonisieren sollte

Verfasst: 13. Februar 2016 21:56
von Alexius
Könnt ihr mir vielleicht helfen und zwar will ich mir mit Sardinien-Piemont einige Gebiete in Afrika holen.Nun will ich von euch wissen wo ich am besten kolonisieren sollte ohne das ich mit einer anderen Nation in einen Konflikt gerate.

Re: [Victoria II] Gebiete die man mit Sardinien-Piemont kolonisieren sollte

Verfasst: 13. Februar 2016 22:20
von Taxla
puh, das kann man nicht so einfach sagen...fang einfach mal an und falls gb oder Frankreich auch einen Kolonisten in dieselbe Provinz schicken kannst du dich dort ja zurückziehen.

ansonsten gilt im singleplayer gegen die ki:

first come, first serve

Re: [Victoria II] Gebiete die man mit Sardinien-Piemont kolonisieren sollte

Verfasst: 15. Februar 2016 09:23
von Shadow Dragon
Ich glaube mich daran zu erinnern das der Kongo und das Gebiet südlich bzw. vor allem südwestlich des Sultanats von Sokoto wichtig zu kolonisieren ist da diese recht Rohstoff- und Bevölkerungsreich sind.

Re: [Victoria II] Gebiete die man mit Sardinien-Piemont kolonisieren sollte

Verfasst: 30. Mai 2016 19:59
von Brisk
So gezielt kann man das glaube ich bei Vic 2 nicht sagen!
Es gibt natürlich Orte, die man mit S-P leicht zugänglicher Kolonialisieren kann.
Wobei es mit Sardinien-Piemont grundsätzlich schwirig ist ein Kolonialstaat zu sein, ohne Italien zu vereinen.
Für die Kolonialisierung sind ja Häfen sehr wichtig oder zumindest potenzielle Baugebiete für Häfen, um Kolonialisierungspunkte zu bekommen.

Ich selbst holle mir eigentlich immer Tunesien, dann Teile von Ägypten, Nord Borneo, Äthiopien wegen dem Kaffee, die chinesischen Inseln wegen Tee, Johore, und Sokoto.
Äthiopien und Sokoto haben den Vorteil, dass man bereits erste Gebiete kolonialisieren kann bevor der eigentliche Kolonialisierungwettkampf startet. Die Gebiete sind von etwas Lebensfreundlicheren Gebieten umgeben und können noch vor der Entdeckung der Kolonialisierungstechs besidelt werden.
Wenn der Wettbewerb dann startet achte ich auf bevölkerungsreiche Gebiete.

Mir persönlich hat ein Beitrag im Paradox Forum geholfen, eine Übersicht der besten zu kolonialisierenden Gebiete zu bekommen, vielleicht hilft er auch Dir.

Leider ist er auf englisch aber das sollte ja kein so großes Problem sein:

mbrasher1 hat geschrieben:Uncivs to attack or annex before Nationalism and Imperialism

Johore (rubber, precious metal, tropical wood)
Atjeh (rubber)
Abu Dhabi (oil, but low population)
Brunei (oil, but low population)
Egypt (demand concessions for rubber, Dumyat for Suez Canal
Persia (demand concessions for iron, oil, coal areas, but then likely the UK or Russia will sphere it during truces)

Uncivs to Annex After N+I

Korea (coal, iron)
Dai-nam (rubber, trop wood, silk, cotton)
Burma (oil, trop wood)
Thailand (rubber, iron, though these can be taken by demanding concessions before N+I, rather than annexing the whole thing after)
Cambodia (rubber) -- Cambodia could be annexed before N+I but it starts as a Vietnamese puppet, so I usually just fight Dai-nam once after N+I
Oman (oil, makes for good colonization of Africa if you lack East African bases)
Ethiopia (ditto East African bases, coffee)
Sokoto (ditto for West African bases)
Nejd (oil)
Morocco (oil)

Good sphere targets are those civilized nations with good resources, but poor technology/industry

Brazil (rubber, trop wood, they are the neighborhood bully and will expand all over)
Ottoman Empire after they fall from GP status (oil, iron, coal, tons of great resources)
Persia (coal, iron, oil) not technically civilized but I find them a good sphereling
Netherlands if they are not a GP (rubber, oil, sulfur -- frankly, it is worth taking Sumatra and Java whenever the Dutch are weak)
Portugal (rubber)
Mexico (oil)
Venezuela (oil)
Wallachia (oil)
Moldavia (oil)
USCA/El Salvador (rubber)
Ecuador (oil)
Colombia (Panama Canal, coal, coffee)
Spain (lots of good resources, but they have rebellions in the Philippines and elsewhere to contend with.
Anywhere with COAL

I find it also is quite easy to dominate the South American sphere game (Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela get interest from US,Dutch, and the UK, respectively but the whole thing is easily had) and sphere pretty much everybody there; Asia becomes work after you get Japan as a GP. Picking up a portfolio of little orphan spherelings is not a bad idea. In my current Russia game I have 51 spherelings (of 85 countries). I hate getting bounced from Belgium by a determined France, Germany and UK.

Best colonial locations

African rubber states (see ... to-find-it, esp Katanga, Kasai, Bas Congo, Congo, Congo Orientale, Yoruba, Benin, Niger Delta, S. Cameroon)
Nigeria (Niger Delta, Yoruba States) has coal, rubber and soldiers aplenty
Borneo/North Borneo (rubber, oil, sulfur)

As important is what to avoid: do not contest worthless places with determined powers. Try prying Madagascar from France -- not fun, not worthwhile. The Indian states end up as puppets, meaning the UK gets large influence bonuses with them. Until the OE falls from GP status, their Balkan puppets (Moldavia and Wallachia) are not worth the effort, as the OE will resist losing them, and they get the puppet influence bonus.

A word about China/Japan

China is the big prize, and in a category by itself. Every game sees China do something different. Break apart, stay together, have repeated Boxer Rebellions, lose its substates, keep its substates. A powerful GP can annex all of the substates when they split away from China as uncivs (if that happens).

You can pick apart the Chinese states and demand concessions as often as possible, as early as possible. They have great resources (Chinese areas are dominant in silk, tea and have lots of good stuff like tropical wood, cotton, coal and iron) with millions of people working in the RGOs. Use wars with their allies Dai-nam and Korea (whom the substates will not defend, so your task of whipping China is much easier) to get both the target protectorate plus a concession, and destroy the Chinese Army.

Spherewise, Qinghai has loads of coal, Manchuria has iron and coal. Yunnan and Guangxi have to be sphered through war, as does the Chinese Empire. If the Chinese Empire has lots of reactionary/Boxer rebels, don't sphere them, as you will lose the spherehood when they change governments and may not be permitting military access for your troops to quash their rebellions. And after you have destroyed their army in war, they have nothing to resist the 200k stacks.

Japan was formerly a decent target, as its high literacy helped with RPs. But that is no longer the case (the rules on literacy in colonial states was changed). Plus, the special rules for Japan Westernizing means that if you haven't digested all of it before Japan's early westernization, you have a pissed off Asian power who will hit you when they can, yet is costly to fully digest. I find that Japan is no longer worth it. I'd rather have some more from the Chinese buffet...
